Thursday, March 20, 2008


Hey you guys,

how yall doing? Well i am at school right now, bored to death. I just finished my science project so i am writing on my blog. hahahahaha. It's about a disease but i am done so thats all that matters. hahahahaha Whats on my mind right I think i am going to text on my phone so i will just write to you guys later because after school i will be busy i have a tennis game today against shorewood high school. Hope we win.

Love you guys,

p.s. i think this is the shortest blog i have ever written, if that sounds right. hahahahaha

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Well hello you you been?

Well i have been sore for a couple of days cause of tennis obviously, anyways today i had practice and love it everytime. Since i play doubles one person is near close to the net and one is far back, but i was just practicing on how to hit the ball if it is short, it was so much alive (like what my bro says.....ryan....hahahahahaha) i LOVE tennis. hahahahahahahahhaha. Well right now i am listening to Deluge, the new CD from Bethany World Prayer Center. Yeah!!! My favorite song would have to be worshiping you and make us holy. I have been so tired lately. I am just saying random things as you can tell.....hahahahahahah......and i laugh a lot. hahahahahah. What a small world....there is only three months to live..JK...hahah three more months til my beautiful older sister comes home. Thank you Jesus. hahahahahah. oh how time really does. hahahahahahahaha well i am going to hit the road but i will definitely write later.

Love you guys,

I give a shout out to the best older sister in the world.......MARIA......i love you sis.
i love giving shout outs....i know i am weird but thats okay.....thats ME!!! hahahahahah

Thursday, March 13, 2008

What's Been Happening?

Hey you guys,
how are you doing? Well there has been a lot that has happened since i was away from my blog for a long time. Hahahahaha. I will write more often. Promise. Well yesterday i had my first tennis game and it was at Lynnwood High School. All i have to say is......Our team WON!!! Oh yeah. What i played for tennis was doubles, my partner is my best friend Samantha, she rocks. Well we played two sets and each set is 6 games if you guys understand TENNIS!! Hahahahahahahah. Anyways it was so much fun but i couldn't have done it without the Lords strength, i give all my glory and praise to Jesus Christ. Thank you Jesus Chrrist!!! Well i have to go eat.....BUT i will write more later.

love you guys

Oh i almost forgot i want to give a shout out to my [older] brother in the Lord.....Ryan Jacobs.
You are so awesome!!! You rock!!! Your the Best... :) love ya, bro!!!

About Me

My photo
Well there is so much... what shall I start with. I am a 14yr old girl and is in love with Jesus and my friends and family! I love the color green and pink and my favorite singer is Jonathan Stockstill! My favorite song is "show your glory." Excepting Jesus Christ in my life was the greatest thing that has happened in my life.