Tuesday, April 8, 2008

In School!!! Whoa.......Doing Nothing!!!

Hey you guys, how are you? Well right now i am in school right....to be specific i am in english class right now, the last period of the day. I am bored to death. I just ate a fruit roll up right now. And i so do not like what i look like today. I absolutely hate it. Cute kaprise tho hate the shoes they kill me. never wearing my shoes or shirt ever again. My shoes hurt me so bad. And for my shirt it is just to low. i hate it. Aaaaahhhhhhhhh. Well never will wear that. Anyways i will write to you guys later.

Love you guys,
anam :)

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About Me

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Well there is so much... what shall I start with. I am a 14yr old girl and is in love with Jesus and my friends and family! I love the color green and pink and my favorite singer is Jonathan Stockstill! My favorite song is "show your glory." Excepting Jesus Christ in my life was the greatest thing that has happened in my life.