Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring Break

Well hello you guys, how are you? Well i am on my spring break right now...........BOARING!!! I just can't wait this summer because i am going to learn how to drive then i will be able to go places. Anyways, what i did over the spring break is had two tennis games (Monday and Tuesday) i lost them both but i don't really care about winning or loosing i'm jus playing for my Lord Jesus Christ. Just like my older brother says....All For Jesus!!! And he is right, God didn't put me on this earth to glorify man but he put me on this earth so i can win souls for the kingdom of God. That is my mission and duty to accomplish. Whatever struggles i face through out my life God is there right by my side in the bible it says, "Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us." I just thank God for everything he has done in my life and i am always rejoicing that i accepted Jesus Christ in my life. Well i will write to you guys later. Promise (i have just been a little busy)

love you guys,
anam :)

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About Me

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Well there is so much... what shall I start with. I am a 14yr old girl and is in love with Jesus and my friends and family! I love the color green and pink and my favorite singer is Jonathan Stockstill! My favorite song is "show your glory." Excepting Jesus Christ in my life was the greatest thing that has happened in my life.