Sunday, April 20, 2008

Home on a Sunday Evening!!!

Well hello you are you guys? Well i had to go home right after i had my practice for the mothers day skit and wanted to stay so bad but i couldn't. that's to bad. Anyways i am just on the computer listening to Taylor Swift..............anyone love her..........I DO! she has a gorgeous voice..........i was singing to the popular song tear drops on my guitar........i love that song. and now i am just writing on my blog this very second.........hahahahaha............(SO MUCH FUN)............i am just being sarcastic.........if you know what i mean. But guys can probably see i am BORED to death right now................Thank the Lord there is night service every week because guess what...............i will be attending every night service from here on out starting next sunday............hahahahaha...........i just crack myself up...........Well i think i might have two or three tennis games this week because there was one last week on Friday........but you guys know how crazy the weather was..............i hated we might be playing that game this week................i have full hands this week, if you know what i mean.........hahahahahah. i am just being totally random right now...........i am brain dead......What a small alive......i am just bored..............i know i all ready said that. Oh i got a best friends necklace today...............guess with best friend..........hahahahahahahhahah. We went to South Center Mall and got the best friend is Devyn............aka...........Devo. She is the coolest person you would ever meet.....(besides one other important person in my life).........i think that makes sense..........idk............sorry if i didn't. That's just me................hahahahahahaha well i am going to hit the road...............and i will write to you guys soon.........hahahahahahahaha
love ya,
anam :)

p.s. i get my tennis sweats and sweatshirt this week...............whooooo hooooo.......i am so excited..........hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahah

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About Me

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Well there is so much... what shall I start with. I am a 14yr old girl and is in love with Jesus and my friends and family! I love the color green and pink and my favorite singer is Jonathan Stockstill! My favorite song is "show your glory." Excepting Jesus Christ in my life was the greatest thing that has happened in my life.